Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Blog of the week (8)

I feel like every week on here I write about what’s going wrong or how stressful my week is, pretty much I just complain and wine but I don’t really think many people read these and so I do it to help me release all the stress I have from school. This week I had to shoot the well-known Black Glass 2, which is shooting a mirrored cube on black glass. We just finished shooting today and it took us a total of 35 hours  just to shoot it. We still have to do our write up which might take up to 6 hours. If that seems like a lot just remember I’m taking 4 other classes with 4 times the homework. So I’m trying not to stress out about my homework because I want to stay up with everything. And on top of everything I have to figure out how to pay for this semester and apply for jobs so I can work next semester.

      But after all the stress of this week I get to go home and see my family for the 4th of July. I love the 4th of July because it’s like one be party, everyone BBQ’s and there’s fireworks and who doesn’t like fireworks. My plans are to go to the fair we have in my town it’s huge. The have rides, all kinds of fun food, and most of all fireworks. I haven’t been able to go to the fair the last two years on the 4th of July because I had to work so this year I’m excited I get to go home and go.

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