Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 1 blog

Hello my name is Danielle Jackson. I’m 18 years old from Oceanside California if you don’t know where that is, it’s south of us in the county of San Diego. My Birthday is May 29. I have one sister she is 21 years old and goes to college at UCI, people usually think we are twins but I don’t see it. My parents will be married for 30 years this coming June.
Growing up I was really involved in sports I played soccer, ran track, cheered, and danced. But I mostly spent my time playing soccer. I started playing soccer at three and a half and played every year after that. Between playing competitively and for my school I typically played year round and played multiple sports at a time.
My favorite type of music is reggae. The artists I like to listen to are Soja, Rebelution, Iration, and Matisyahu. If you have never heard of them go look them up on YouTube and listen to some of their songs. Their songs all have a great story in them and have a fun beat that is a mixture of pop and reggae.

 My passion for photography started when I was in the 7th grade. I wish to pursue a career in product photography. My dream is to bring my creative eye to the business and have a unique look to my work that will be fresh and fun. 


  1. First off, I had no idea that you were only 18! I thought you were at least 20.. Well I guess you learn something new everyday haha.
    I've never really listened to reggae but a lot of people tell me that it's definitely worth checking out. I'll have to look up some songs by the artists you listed. Ok, I'm back from looking up some songs.. Definitely A LOT different then the type of music I listen too haha but it's not too bad(:
    I'm assuming that since you want to become a product photographer that you're enjoying Lighting Studio? Or at least you probably will once we get past all of this technical shoots. I'm not too big on the whole product photography so this class is not my favorite. BUT I'm glad someone at least might or will be! (: haha. I really respect people who want to be or are product photographers because it's something I could never see myself doing professionally and I don't really have the eye for it. Do you know yet what kind of products you want to shoot? Or are you still figuring that out? (:
    Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed learning a little bit about another classmate!

  2. Danielle Jackson,

    Welcome to the class, Danielle. I don’t believe we’ve met yet.

    Decent start here, but don’t forget to respond to this week’s readings.

