Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Artist Statement hw

In the artist statements I read the entire artist cover most of the same bases. The all talked about what kind of photography they like and shoot and what you would see when looking through their website. They all used descriptive ways when they talked about how they see photography. For example Christopher baker described photography as an energy he feels between him and the subject. He paint you a picture of how he feels for example he says “What draws me to a subject is something atomic, and beyond verbal explanation. Yet the camera captures it without effort.” They all talked about how they want to evoke emotion from their viewers and how they capture what they envision.

Some things that made the three different in their own ways were the length. Each artist statement I read really varied in length, which is fine because there is no limit of what you can say about you work. For example one I read was three paragraphs and another one I read was 8 it all just depends on the artist. One artist described his technic of how he shoots and how he uses post work to make the image as similar as he saw in his head. Compared to other artist who didn’t talk about their post process at all. Their artist statement allows them the ability to tell you what they think is important and what you need to know.


  1. Danielle,

    This is a little thin... but a decent start.

    Where are these artists' statements? Please post links or if you have hard copies, try to take a picture and upload that to your blog.


  2. http://www.marcadamus.com/page/bio/


